FMC News & Events

Lakers Youth Hockey Tournament
Letter from the Junior Crusaders and the Arthur Sachse Lakers Tournament Committee:
The Arthur Sachse Lakers Tournament, named after a hometown hockey hero and local hockey organization.
It is with sincere appreciation and pride that we, the Junior Crusaders and the Arthur Sachse Lakers Tournament Committee acknowledge the staff and management team at Buffone Arena and Horgan Arena for outstanding work ethic and commitment to youth hockey. For 38 years, our Lakers Tournament has been held at FMC Buffone Arena on Lake Avenue in Worcester, MA. The successful growth of this tournament in recent years has expanded the tournament rink location to include Horgan Arena in Auburn, MA as well. This year, without exception, our tournament upheld its tradition of a “hometown hockey feeling” due in part to the rink staff at both Buffone Arena and Horgan Arena. Without the help of this staff, our tournament would not have been successful. Each member went above and beyond to stay on top of the cleanliness of the arena, stopped by to ask a volunteer or committee member if something needed to be done, without question performed tasks requested, and maintained the overall operations of the rink. The Junior Crusaders stand by our motto of “Together We Will”. The Buffone and Horgan Arena staff worked together as a team and with others, and should be recognized for their efforts. They helped to ensure that 34 local and out of town participating teams and their families enjoyed their weekend in a rink that provided a welcoming atmosphere. Following tradition, Mr. Arthur Sachse himself, along with his son Bob Sachse paid a visit to Buffone Arena over the weekend. I had the pleasure once again of speaking with Arthur personally, and he was very happy to see how grand the 38th year of his namesake tournament had shaped up to be. We extend our gratitude to FMC, Horgan and Buffone Arena, with an extra special recognition to Priscilla Kusek for going above and beyond, allowing 38 years of tradition to remain. We look forward to continuing to call these arenas home of the Arthur Sachse Lakers Tournament for years to come.
Kerry Groccia
Co-Vice President | Lakers Tournament Director
Junior Crusaders Youth Hockey