FMC News & Events

The 2019 Icicle Invitational
This years Icicle Invitational took place on December 7th in Marlboro!
London Cabral & Allison Kilborn competed in the Couples Spotlight and got a Gold medal for their first time performing this together. The girls were dressed as Peanut Butter & Jelly and had so much fun performing, it was a crowd favorite!
FMC South Shore Star members Raegan Tempesta, Allison Kilborn, London Cabral & Rachael Amaral all showing off their medals!

Raegan won 1 silver and 1 bronze medal. Allison won 2 Gold and 1 Silver. London won 2 gold medals & Rachael Amaral won 1 gold and 1 silver!
FMC South Shore Stars teammates and friends Bridget O’Neil & Savannah Rose celebrated a successful event.
Bridget won 1 Silver and 1 Bronze medal for her events. Savannah representing FMC Raynham Iceplex won 3 Gold medals!
Outstanding work by all!