FMC Ice Sports’ Service Stars Awards program recognizes and rewards team members who demonstrate commitment, ingenuity and extraordinary effort in delivering exceptional customer service to arena patrons. Each month, our regional managers select individuals who best represent the values and mission esteemed by FMC. Founded by President and CEO Robert McBride, the program will honor selected Service Stars each month with a certificate of appreciation and a $75 Visa gift card.
The Service Stars for the month of November are:

Central – Horgan Arena – Meaghan Drapeau
“Meaghan has been working here since high school. Out of college for two years now and still part time, she is a multi-tasker. She is cashier, snack bar, and is an instructor for our learn to skate. She is great with the kids and has the personality one needs to be on the front line.”
– Cilla Kusek, Arena Manager

Metro West – Jim Roche Community Arena – Caroline Smith
“Caroline has referred support staff to us and they have turned out to be great employees. She has gone to the store and shopped for our Halloween, fall and Holiday decorations. She takes pride in the decorating of the arena and is complemented frequently on her work by our customers. On a busy public skate night she is often seen chasing down customers that have forgotten their change. Always mixing in without patrons lacing skates, giving tips on skating and showing off our customers photographs on our lobby monitors. Caroline would be an asset to any arena. “
– Dennis Caulfield, Arena Manager
Metro Boston – Burlington Ice Palace – Jack Wright
“Jack is the epitome of being consistent, reliable, and engaged facility operator. Jack, even though working multiple jobs, is always early for his shift while also being eager and ready to go each and every time. He is always willing to step in and offer his assistance at other facilities where needed without hesitation. Jack does not waste any time offering to help customers even as he is first stepping through the lobby doors and can often be seen making sure any customer who might need assistance or has a question is shown the proper attention and given the appropriate help.”
– Adam Busalacchi, Arena Manager

Southeastern – Raynham Iceplex – Jay Silva
“Jay has been a great asset to the rink since becoming full-time assistant manager at the Iceplex. He has gained extensive knowledge on the FMC systems and is familiar with the mechanical equipment which runs the rink. He continues to train hard and ask questions about all aspects of the business. The customers enjoy his company and speak highly of his attitude and sheet of ice.”
– Jim Kelley, Regional Manager
Central Services – Headquarters – Kelly Sullivan
“As we were preparing for the Fall programming lineup, Kelly brought me a unique idea to help staff connect with our mission. A programming initiative that encourages simple acts of kindness to ensure that the gateway to ice sports is always open, the goal is to have 2500 acts of kindness, in honor of FMC’s 25th anniversary, accumulated by next August. Acts of Kindness will be recognized through peer-to-peer recognition, customer to employee recognition and employee testimonials about the difference helping others to enjoy the sport makes. I applaud Kelly’s willingness to share her own story and more so, to help others connect to the difference skating can make.”
– Alane Swiderski, Vice President of Programming