FMC News & Events

2018 Service Award Winners
This year we have a few employees celebrating big milestones with us!
Suzanne Gonick – 10 years
Suzanne is our Accounting Manager and is celebrating her 10th year in the company’s Accounting Department. Often an unsung hero, Suzanne has taken on many challenges in her past ten years, making her a valuable asset to our company.
Nick Valentino – 10 years
Nick is our Brockton Arena Manager and has been with FMC for 10 years. Nick started in West Roxbury’s Jim Roche Arena as a skate guard before becoming an Assistant Manager and making his way over to Brockton.
Bob Pearson – 15 years
Bob, one of our vending drivers, celebrated his 15th year at FMC Ice Sports in September. Bob is a very reliable employee who fills, maintains, and keeps our 94 vending machines in working order while also delivering items throughout our 23 rinks.
We would also like to congratulate our Part Time Service Award winners:
5 Years
Derek Boughner, Franklin Facility Operator
Heather Cotter, Worcester Instructor
Hannah Davidson, Fitchburg Facility Support Staff
Justin Doiron, Gardner Instructor
Casey Gurlitz, Auburn Facility Support Staff
William Jordan III, West Roxbury Facility Operator
Renee Ladurantave, Raynham Instructor
Dominique LaFlash, Worcester Program Coordinator
Ryan Mulcahy, Auburn Facility Support Staff
Donna Serra, Auburn Instructor
Michael Spano, Brockton Facility Support Staff
Danielle Tallent, Revere Instructor
Cullen Wozniak, Greenfield Facility Support Staff
10 Years
Carol Cotter, Worcester Instructor
Denise Flaherty, Revere Instructor
Roland LaChance, Lynn Facility Operator
Andrea Lepore, Brockton Facility Support Staff
Joseph Mahoney, Natick Facility Operator
Colin Norgeot, Natick Instructor