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Jillian and Gigi (Billboard (Square))

Jillian Medeiros and Gigi Kerrigan featured in Spring 2025 ISI Magazine

Congratulations to Jillian Medeiros on making the cover of the Recreational Ice Skating Spring 2025 magazine cover! Jillian is a member of the FMC South Shore Stars and skates out of the Raynham Ice Plex.

In addition to making the cover, Jillian also contributed to a feature article called “My Coach Rocks”. She selected her longtime FMC coach, Gigi Kerrigan, who she says “is one of the most important people in her life. Whether it’s on the ice or not, she will always be there supporting me no matter what. She continuously displays a positive and passionate attitude. Miss Gigi has helped me reach all my goals. I cherish all the memories we have made for the past nine years and look forward to continuing making more. Together forever”.

Gigi Kerrigan is the Program Director for our Southeast region covering Brockton, Fall River, New Bedford, Raynham & Taunton.

Congratulations to both Jillian and Gigi on a job well done!

To see a digital copy of the magazine tap here.

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