FMC News & Events

Service Stars – October 2017
FMC Ice Sports’ Service Stars Awards program recognizes and rewards team members who demonstrate commitment, ingenuity and extraordinary effort in delivering exceptional customer service to arena patrons. Each month, our regional managers select individuals who best represent the values and mission esteemed by FMC. Founded by President and CEO Robert McBride, the program will honor selected Service Stars each month with a certificate of appreciation and a $75 Visa gift card.
The Service Stars for the month of October are:
Western – Collins/Moylan Arena – Amanda King
“Amanda King has worked for FMC for over 5 years. She fills many roles at our Greenfield Collins/Moylan Arena and has become an integral part of the facility, especially over the last two months in the absence of a Manager. Amanda knows the ins and outs of the facility and is more than willing to go above and beyond the scope of her position to ensure that our customers are kept happy and that our programs are up and running.
Central – Navin Arena – Mary Ellen Flynn
“Mary Ellen has worked tirelessly to transition into the new concessions space after years in the smaller, compact room. She has worked quickly to learn the new Fry-o-lator and menu items to provide more options to patrons at the facility. She spent time with Stefanie to help train her on all the equipment and procedures so we have extra help in concessions for the busy season. Mary Ellen was also quick to notice a mechanical issue within the facility and tried to help the manager and operators to fix the problem. Most importantly, Mary Ellen worked above and beyond at the end of the month with Navin helping to host the Beantown Fall Classic. She worked all 3 days of the tournament in her role as concessions operator, but she was also quick to help welcome teams and guests and assist with questions about the rink and tournament. As much as it has been routine for Mary Ellen to provide excellent customer service in this way, it is always a huge benefit for the rest of the staff when they cannot be in the office or lobby.
– Darryl Racca, Arena Manager
Metro West – Blackstone Valley Iceplex – Pat Morrison
“Pat has stepped up his contributions to FMC again this season by becoming the instructor to the newly added Bruins Fundamentals in Hopedale. The parents enjoy having him work with their kids, I have heard nothing but positive feedback. He also decided to reach out to a friend at the Hopedale and Bellingham School systems to get our information to the students and parents. He continues to help in any way that he can even when he is not in the building on the clock. He enjoys working for FMC and believes in what we try to do for the sport of skating in the communities.
– Jason Labossiere, Arena Manager
Metro Boston – Connery Rink – Tony Uva
“Tony has been a true team player throughout the region and at his home rink in Lynn. Internally, he is always eager to be a part of the solution from something as simple as a staffing shortage to dealing with higher level operational issues and emergencies that are outside is role and expectations. Externally, Tony has an admirable ability to connect with the patrons on a personal level where the patrons are more of an extension of friends and family rather than customers. This ability has been invaluable and makes a real difference in the rinks/customer culture and relationship.”
– Dan Gordon, Arena Manager
Southeastern – Aleixo Arena – Dylan Torres
“Dylan Torres – Dylan Torres is a prime example of what FMC stands for. He has superior customer service skills, stays busy during his entire shift, and is involved in all departments of FMC. He is a versatile and key component to all the arenas he works. Dylan’s work ethic always rubs off on the staff he works with. Keep up the great work Dylan!”
– Chad Amaral, Arena Manager
“Dylan steps up at every occasion. If you need skates sharpened, superior cleaning, timekeeping, cashier, working the programing table for freestyle, help coaching Bruins Fundamentals or Bruins Academy, and even landscaping, look no further than Dylan. He even helps out in FMC videos. His goaltending skills are much to be desired when FELIX McCool scores on him! He is very knowledgeable in the integral workings of FMC and his customer service with all age ranges is outstanding. Dylan is a great choice for the October Service Star award.”
– Jim Kelley, Regional Manager
Central Services – Headquarters – Joe Enos