FMC News & Events

FMC Skaters Scholarship Winners
Since 1992 FMC Ice Sports has been committed to helping students further their education. This year we had a record number of applicants from high school seniors all across our communities. Each applicant provided a 500 word essay describing a time when skating had a significant influence and impact on their personal development. It was meaningful to hear so many describe their skating experience as some of the best times in their life as well as some of the most challenging.
We are happy to announce we have awarded 25 scholarships for a total of $25,000 this year!
We are so proud of all of you and can’t wait to see all the extraordinary things you will do!
Congratulations to our 25 scholarship winners!
Jacob Schofield
Nicholas Raymond
Alexandria Yost
Jenna Nogueira
Julia Cline
Shayna Zibel
Karina Myers
Matthew Lavoine
Aidan Kelly
Henry Ballerene
Brayden Naumann
Daniel Cherry
Flynn Bridget
Ayden Simmons
Jack Hansen
Jordan Theriault
Dennis Oberg
Evan Moniz
Colin Flynn
Anthony Patete
Patrick Prudhomme
Erin Flaherty
Ava Kaviani
Andrew Berlo
Julia Williams