FMC News & Events

Fresh Ice Machines for FMC!
Just this month FMC received 2 new Zamboni electric powered resurfacing machines. These Zambonis were manufactured in Paramount California where the company first began in 1949. Our new machines were sent to Asiaf Arena in Brockton, and Alexio Arena in Taunton. Both are model 552AC, which are electric and eliminate millions of emissions annually. Every feature on Zamboni ice resurfacing machines is deliberately designed to make resurfacing easier and to ensure that the end result is always a perfect sheet of ice.
Here are some Fun Zamboni Facts!
-Prior to the invention of the Zamboni machine, the manual resurfacing of the ice sheet required three or four workers and took over one hour to complete.
– Over 10,000 Zamboni machines have been delivered around the world.
– In 2000, the Zamboni machine was immortalized as an authentic Monopoly® board game token in the NHL version of the game.
– The Zamboni machine does not measure its travel in “miles”. Instead, the hours in use are monitored as a point of reference.