FMC Ice Sports Code of Conduct
1. Foul, abusive or obscene language is not permitted anywhere in the building or on the grounds.
2. All visitors must show respect and courtesy to others regardless of race, gender, creed or ability while in the facility or grounds.
3. All visitors should encourage good sportsmanship by refraining from expressing negative or insulting statements to the officials, coaches, participants or spectators.
4. Physical force by players (not in the normal course of game play), coaches, parents, spectators or officials is strictly forbidden under any and all circumstances.
5. All coaches must supervise and take responsibility for the players inside the team changing rooms they are issued.
6. All children under the age of 12 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian and be supervised when not participating in skating or hockey.
7. No play (hockey, catch, etc.) is allowed off the ice surface.
8. No pets are permitted in the facility with the exception of service animals.
9. Use of tobacco products or consumption of alcoholic beverages is strictly prohibited.
10. All visitors must respect the facility and report any person or persons damaging the property to the management.
11. Visitors will keep in mind that this arena is a place for fun and personal development for all ages and abilities and will assist in preserving a positive environment for all other visitors by honoring this Code of Conduct and reporting to rink management any violations of it.
The arena management and staff will enforce this Code of Conduct for all visitors of the arena. Loss of rink privileges, fines and / or criminal prosecution will be imposed as necessary